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The symptoms of grief: what are they and how to cope?

First Weeks

To anyone who hasn’t been through a bereavement, the symptoms of grief might seem obvious. But those of us who have experienced loss know that the symptoms go far beyond feeling sad (although there’s lots of that too) – grief affects your whole body and mind in ways that can take you by surprise.

Symptoms of grief poll

We talk a lot about our grief symptoms at Untangle, and if we’ve learnt one thing from a recent poll on our community, it’s that everyone’s journey is unique. We’re also acutely aware of the stigma surrounding death and grief, and that finding good advice can be hard – so, here, we’re listing some of the most common symptoms our community has experienced, along with tips on how to best manage those symptoms…

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The emotional symptoms of grief

What does grief feel like? There are so many emotional symptoms of grief and they tend to come in waves. One day you might be feeling terribly lonely, and the next you could be overcome with anger at the unfairness of it all.

These are just some of the emotions you may experience…

How to cope with the emotional symptoms of grief

Whether it’s anger, guilt or depression you’re feeling after a bereavement, it may be a good idea to explore grief counselling to help you work through difficult emotions.

We suggest taking a look at the different types of bereavement therapy available, and then using our free therapist matching service to find the right style of counselling for your needs.

Support group having coffee

As well as getting professional advice, it’s helpful to have a support network you can talk to.

Turn to friends and family members you can trust, and be honest and open about how you’re feeling.

Sometimes, after a bereavement, the people who are there for us might be the ones we least expect. That’s okay; embrace these friendships. You deserve kindness and compassion right now.

Look to support groups and communities that can relate. Untangle was built entirely to help you – and others who are grieving – feel less alone at the most difficult times in your life. Our community is there for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Download the Untangle app to get started

The physical symptoms of grief

With how intense losing someone can be, it’s not surprising that, alongside emotional symptoms, there are many physical symptoms of grief.

From aches, and tiredness, to digestive issues, these are some of the side effects you may be experiencing…

How to cope with the physical symptoms of grief

While medicines can help with pain relief and insomnia (and are worth talking to your doctor about), it’s also important to keep nurturing your body with food, exercise and routine. We’re creatures of habit, after all.

This can be easier said than done – all sense of schedule can go out of the window when after loss – but try reintroducing a routine with small steps. Take it day by day.

You could begin by deciding that, for a whole week, you’re going to get out in nature for a 20-minute walk each day. Exercise not only boosts serotonin, but exposure to daylight can also regulate your body clock, so you may sleep better at night.

Man walking in a park

One of our members mentioned that going on daily walks wasn’t just time for exercise, but also for connection:

“A friend who had lost her daughter told me to start running or walking. I initially thought this was ridiculous as the last thing I wanted to do was get fit but realised this was my time with her. I would listen to her videos and her favourite songs.”

For the next week, decide whether you’re ready to make another routine improvement. If you are, put the focus on food and giving your body the vitamins it needs to handle grief.

Keeping yourself well nourished can help with sleeping issues, aches and pains, as well as digestive issues. We know how difficult it can be to take care of yourself when your world has turned upside down, that’s why we asked Nutritional Therapist, Joanne Crovini, to offer advice on how to eat well after a loss.

The cognitive symptoms of grief

‘Grief brain’ or ‘grief fog’ is a real thing. When you’re coping with grief, trying to concentrate on anything else can feel almost impossible.

Here are some of the signs that grief is affecting your day-to-day cognitive function…

Confused woman on phone


Suddenly, everything feels so confusing. Even if you’re usually good at understanding documents, the sheer amount of ‘grief admin’ you have to go through can leave you completely overwhelmed.

Companies don’t always make this easy either (see what to do when someone dies), which is why seeking support can be an important first step when it feels like your brain is more scattered than usual.

Woman struggling to concentrate

Lack of concentration

Don’t be hard on yourself if you’re finding it difficult to pay attention to… well, anything. It’s a natural response to grief, and your mind has a lot to process right now.

“Mentally I’m a mess, I forget things, I don’t concentrate, I cry every day, my anxiety is terrible, I’m not me anymore,” says @jay.

Woman holding head in hands


Just as you might be finding it hard to concentrate, you may catch yourself forgetting things more often too. Again, this is because your brain is overwhelmed with the many thoughts and emotions you’re coping with.

“I had to take leave from my job for several months because I was making mistakes and forgetting, and I was afraid of being fired,” @birrrdegg says.

How to deal with the cognitive symptoms of grief

The cognitive symptoms of grief can have the biggest effect on your work, so don’t be afraid to have some honest conversations with your employers and colleagues if you’re struggling. Take a look at our Bereavement & Work guides for more advice on this, including returning to work after a loss.

These cognitive symptoms can also be frustrating when you’ve got lots of ‘grief admin’ to tackle, so take a look at our guide on what to do when someone dies for step-by-step advice. Think of it like a checklist that you can tick off as and when you feel ready. Take it at your own pace, and don’t hesitate to ask for help along the way.

This frame of thinking means you can both be growing and grieving at the same time. Whilst there may always be a ping of sadness resting on your shoulder, you can make progress. Grief doesn’t go away, nor should you expect it to, but you can grow around it.

If you want to share how you’re feeling, ask questions to others who have lost or simply read their stories, head on over to the Untangle community via the Untangle Grief app.


How long do the physical symptoms of grief last?

The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Everyone’s experience of grief is different. For some, it never truly ends but becomes more manageable over time as they learn to live alongside grief. This is true for the physical, emotional and cognitive symptoms.

See our ‘How long does grief last?’ article for further insight.

What does grief do to your body?

Grief is physically exhausting, and an exhausted body doesn’t function at its best. This is why you might experience headaches, muscle aches, extreme tiredness, insomnia and even digestive issues. When you’re run down, your immune system is also affected, so you may catch colds or infections more easily. This is why being kind to yourself through grief is so important.

Can grief make you physically unwell?

Yes. A lot of Untangle members have talked about feeling sick and nauseous when going through the stages of grief, and it’s no surprise – stress and trauma are a lot for your body to handle. Be kind to yourself when you’re struggling, and speak to a doctor if you feel like your symptoms are unmanageable.