Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and as an organisation Untangle is committed to ensuring compliance with best practice safeguarding standards and guidance.

Untangle considers the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults of paramount importance and aims to safeguard and promote their welfare, safety and health by providing an open, caring, responsive and supportive learning environment which responds to needs immediately. Untangle will ensure that all children, young people and vulnerable adults who access Untangle services feel safe and will put in place wider Untangle procedures and staff training to achieve this.

We will do this by listening and by talking to you about what you want to do. However, if we feel that you are unable to make decisions for yourself sometimes we might need to tell someone else what you’ve told us to be able to help you. 

There are four main elements to the Safeguarding Policy:

We will seek to keep children, young people and vulnerable adults safe by: